Have you ever looked up and all of a sudden you don’t know where the time has gone? Well that is how I am feeling about this episode because here I am celebrating 10 years of podcasting! 

That is correct – 10 years I’ve been at this podcasting business.

I’ll never forget the day (or night). It was the first Monday in May 2014. I was sitting up in my bed with my laptop in my lap, trying to make sure the podcast I recorded was going to be able to be uploaded and sent out because I had said I was going to do it. 

And by golly, I was going to do it! 

Little did I know that 10 years later, I’d still be releasing episodes. Sometimes, recording once a week, and in some seasons, recording multiple episodes a week. 

But I’ve been here sharing content pretty faithfully for 10 years. 

Now, that’s evolved and changed. We introduced some video back in 2020. But I know that some of you are audio listeners first, and you’ve been rocking with me since day one. Some of you joined me during the pandemic in 2020, and you’ve been rocking with me since then. But 10 years is a long time to do anything.

If you’ve read my book, She’s Still There, you probably already know celebration is not my natural thing to do. But even I said we should do something to celebrate 10 years. So I am kicking off the celebration of this 10th year by going back, you know, to the beginning, where it all started in episode one. 

There are probably a few of you who did listen to that episode, but you probably haven’t listened to it recently. And there are many more of you, I’m sure, who’ve never heard it. Here’s the good thing, though. Not much has changed… other than the deepening of my voice. What’s up with that, by the way? But what you will hear is the sameness of my messaging and some of the core of why I started still being true today. 

I’m a believer that people really don’t change much. There are some exceptions to that, of course, as we grow and mature. We learn greater self-control, we learn how to adapt behaviorally, and we even change because, if you give your life to God, Jesus can change it. 

But there’s a lot of stuff in you that doesn’t really change. You just honed the good out of it, and you refined it to make it better, more useful. 

What I’m satisfied with when I listen back to Episode One is not much has changed. 

The core messaging is the same. I’m just a girl who decided to turn on a microphone and share what she was learning so that other people might be helped. 

I’ve added some fine-tuning to it, embellished it a little bit, and made the messages more mature and deeper. And I have you to thank for a lot of that, as you’ve shared your feedback, left your comments, and emailed in your questions. 

But at the end of the day, I’m celebrating that I pressed start. 

And that’s what I want to encourage you to do as well! Just begin. 

You may be doing it with the cheapest equipment you can find, the free music you can get your hands on, and the free software that comes on your computer, but you start. 

Sometimes you don’t know what you’re doing, and you don’t know who’s going to listen. You don’t know who’s going to be blessed or helped or encouraged, but you just post and press start. 

And then you find out 10 years later it was the right thing to do.

So, I’m excited about listening back to Episode One with you and enjoying the higher voice, the initial thoughts, and the core of the messaging from where this all began. I’m also looking forward to continuing. 

Here’s to celebrating your 10. Here’s to remembering where we started and to why we keep doing what we do.

If you’ve been waiting to press start, now is the time. This is me asking you, what are you waiting on? If you just get started, maybe 10 years from now, you’ll be glad you did. 

Here’s to all things Chrystal’s Chronicles, Coffee with Chrystal, and y’all know I believe we’re better together, The Sister Circle podcast.

 Who knows what will come tomorrow. But for now, please celebrate today and begin again.


Highlights from Today’s Episode

The Four “Fs”

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Food & Fitness
  • Fun

Related Resources

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Other Stuff to Check Out

Let’s Talk!

  1. Do some reflection on your own life – what is something God taught you over the past 10 years?
  2. What is something you have been waiting to start and you know it’s time to press “go”?
  3. What are the puzzle pieces you have been given? (Your gifts, strengths, talents, resources)

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How to Listen to The Podcast

If you’re new to podcasts, think of them like little radio shows that you can listen to at your convenience. They are perfect to listen to and learn from as you workout, fold laundry, wash dishes or conquer the world.

1. Listen right here on the blog. Click the little play button at the beginning of this post.

2. Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play! – Be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Also, if you would be so kind as to leave a rating on iTunes and/or write a 2-3 sentence review there or on Stitcher?  Your commentary or rating helps make the podcast more “findable” by others who might not know it exists!

3. Share today’s show –   Email the link to a friend or share on social media. Just click on the sharing buttons at the bottom of this post!

You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!


Have a few more minutes? Here’s some bonus content! 

Take a few moments to check out this post!

The Simple Cook


The Simple Cook

Pinterest is driving me insane.


Between the food artistry “pinned” and available for any time viewing and the large variety of food blogs at my disposal – I’m going nuts.

I believe in food.

I mean… I really do love food.

But there is something about having to get dinner on the table every night that takes my food level involvement to a point of saturation.

And that doesn’t include breakfast, lunch, and in-between snacks.

I know what some of you are thinking: meal planning is the answer to all my woes. I’ve done that too, and let me tell you, after awhile… even the planning can get monotonous.

Yes. I want to feed my family well.

Yes. I want to keep them showing up to the table in anticipation of what’s-for-dinner.

Yes. I want to give the people I love food to eat that’s good to them and good for them.

But can I just say what I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking? Mealtime can be an ongoing, overwhelming, and inescapable responsibility.

So I’ve made a decision: I’m keeping it simple…

Read the rest of this post at forthefamily.org


Special shout out to ChandaHeatherKatTsh, and Stephanie, for your indispensable input in getting the podcast up and running.  I would so not have been able to hit publish by 5/5 without ya!