Have you ever wondered what exactly it means to leave a legacy or thought about what you may leave behind for those you love? As hard as it may be to face, we are not designed to stay here forever, but we can make sure to leave a lasting legacy by living with intention and stewarding well the moments that we do have. 

You and I have the privilege of leaving a legacy through the memories we create, the resources we share, and the identity we walk out. In today’s episode, I look a little  deeper into what that actually looks like. We will all leave behind a legacy, but it is up to us to determine what type of legacy it will be. 

Even if you are unsure of where to start, you can begin with your identity as a child of God. You were created for a purpose and the girl in you has a legacy to leave! So make the memories, share the wisdom and resources you have gained, live confidently as YOU and empower those around you to do the same. Let your light shine bright today! 

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

  • We all have the opportunity to leave a legacy
  • We get to choose what type of legacy we leave behind
  • We create a legacy in the small intentional moments with those we love

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Let’s Talk!

  1. Think about the moments that make you smile and then ask yourself: What am I doing intentionally to continually create moments like that?
  2. How are you stewarding your resources to leave a lasting impact?
  3. How are you doing with living in the truth of who God says you are and then teaching others to do the same?

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!