Did I tell you that I’m relaunching my podcast?!?!? 

After almost eight years, the Chrystal’s Chronicles podcast is getting a makeover! I still plan to encourage, motivate, and inspire you with great content, but I’ll be on the microphone and broadcasting that content from The Sister Circle Podcast, starting in 2022. 

I couldn’t think of any better way to launch the new year and relaunch my podcast, The Sister Circle Podcast, than a conversation with my actual sister, Priscilla Shirer! Whether biological or chosen, conversations with your sisters can run the gamut from deep soul discussions about life, marriage, and motherhood, book recommendations, or the very best life hacks for everyday tasks. There is a life-giving beauty that comes from having a good conversation with a sister in your sister circle when you can be yourself, cover a wide range of topics, and freely chat about anything. This is the kind of conversation I get to have with my sister, Priscilla Shirer, and I’m so glad to share that conversation with you today! 

Priscilla is not just my sister. She also happens to be a best-selling author and Bible teacher and has even shown up on the big screen a time or two. As time passes, I become more and more aware of how having a sister is not only a gift, and I am also more aware of how having Priscilla as a sister has helped me to learn so much about the art of living well. 

Through her life, I’ve gotten a front-row seat to what faithfulness looks like. Silla has taught me the importance of recalibrating based on the reality of what it is and how important it is to be willing to adjust to the unexpected. We have also learned from one another as we’ve walked alongside each other through a series of new life seasons – losing our mom, releasing young men into the world, and creating and continuing family tradition and legacy. 

I’m so excited to have Priscilla inaugurate my first interview on The Sister Circle Podcast! We talk about it all: grief, motherhood, learning to let go, and the art of saying no. Listen, Silla has a greater “no anointing” than anyone I’ve ever met! My hope is that our conversation encourages you to live your life well and inspires you to have authentic, life-giving conversations with the women in your life. It’s in the ebbs and flows of real-life shared with our circle that we can be known, be enlightened, and be encouraged to move forward whatever comes our way. 

When was the last time you had a good, long talk with a sister from your circle? Think about your family, friends, co-workers, or people you know at church. As you go into this new year, don’t let busyness and the responsibilities of life keep you from taking the time to connect with, receive from, and invest in the women who can speak life, uplift, and give you hope. 

God created us to live connected with others in community. I believe that every girl out to have another girl or group of girls to circle up with every now and again. My hope is that this conversation will not only encourage you towards that end but also remind you of the goodness that comes when you make time and space to connect with your sisters. 


Highlights from Today’s Episode:

  • Embracing the “no anointing”
  • Walking through grief 
  • Letting go

Resources from today’s show

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Other Stuff to Check Out

Want to check out other conversations between Priscilla and I, consider #186 – Authority with Priscilla Shirer,#055 – A Chat with Priscilla Shirer,#281 – A Sister Chat Revisited

Watch my Youtube chat on “The Art of Saying NO”

Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship

Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content? Learn about joining my Inner Circle!

Be sure to also check out my books She’s Still ThereShow Up For Your Life, The 28-Day Prayer Journey, and Kingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

  1. In what area of your life do you need a “no” anointing? How can a no give way to a fuller yes?
  2. What do you need to recalibrate in your life based on the reality of what is? How can you relax into how life is actually versus how you want it to be?
  3. How do you set goals? Are you a planner or a doer? How can you give yourself permission to get things done in the way that works for you? 

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How to Listen to The Podcast

If you’re new to podcasts, think of them like little radio shows that you can listen to at your convenience. They are perfect to listen to and learn from as you work out, fold laundry, wash dishes or conquer the world.

1. Listen right here on the blog. Click the little play button at the beginning of this post.

2. Listen on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher or Google Play! – Be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Also, if you would be so kind as to leave a rating on iTunes and/or write a 2-3 sentence review there or on Stitcher?  Your commentary or rating helps make the podcast more “findable” by others who might not know it exists!

3. Share today’s show –   Email the link to a friend or share on social media. Just click on the sharing buttons at the bottom of this post!

You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!