Do you know what’s it like to find your people in life? You know, those people who just get you and are in your corner no matter what? They don’t have an agenda in mind, and they are ready to laugh (or cry) with you in those late night moments of delirium. They can be hard to find, but when the right friend crosses your path you hold on tight because good friends are what make your life. 

No matter your level of influence, notoriety, or reach, you were made for relationships. Opening yourself up can be risky or feel scary, but the joy on the other side of finding your people is 100% worth the risk. You weren’t made to go at life alone, and if you’ve been around for any length of time, you have heard me say, “we are better together” because I really believe that!

Sitting down with my guest for this episode was like finding my people. We are definitely cut from the same cloth and I’m so glad we were able to connect in person and record this podcast. Naomi Raine is currently well known for her connection to Maverick City Music, but she has ministered as an artist for the past 11 years on her own. She is also a wife, mom, and worship pastor at her local church in New York. It is evident when you talk with Naomi that her greatest desire is for God to be glorified in all that she does. 

Naomi and I chatted about a variety of things from our love for dressing in black comfy clothing to the best airport restaurants, but underlying the fun was the theme of relationships and how they are the true currency of life. When you take the leap to be fully you and let others in, you are opening yourself up to some of the greatest blessings God has for you. Remember friend, you are a gift to this world and we need the gift of you!

Join Naomi and I as we chat about: 

  • Embracing your calling
  • Being open to new friendships 
  • Speaking honestly about the past

Yes, life is hard, and people are people, so you aren’t immune from getting hurt, but when you let the fear of pain rule your life, you also cut yourself off from experiencing joy. Even Jesus, knowing that he would face dying on the cross, counted the risk worth it and gladly came so he could have relationship with YOU! And aren’t you glad?!

Community is what makes life grand! 

I do know that finding and building community can be hard, but I also believe that it’s worth it.

Through learning to have difficult conversations, being honest with yourself and others, and bringing light to past histories that have been swept under the rug, this is where freedom and fullness of life are found. It’s only when things are brought into the light in the context of a safe and loving community that you can move forward into maturity and sanctification.

It’s through community that we live fully and healed.

Be open to finding your people. 


Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Embrace your calling
  • Open the door for friendships
  • Speak honestly about your past

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Resources Mentioned: 


Other Stuff to Check Out

Let’s Talk!

  1. What fear can you release today to start fully walking in the calling God has for you? 
  2. Who has been on your mind recently that you can reach out to and initiate a friendship? 
  3. What needs to be brought into the light so freedom can occur in your life and your family members’ lives?

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!