Are you in a season of grief, or have you recently walked through one?  

Grief is a harsh reality we will all face at some point. Whether it is due to the loss of a job, a friend or a loved one, we will all have to pause and deal with grief. It is, simply put, a part of life. And while there are different levels of grief, even the easiest level is still hard. But here’s the good news. You get to choose. In fact, you have to choose whether you will let grief consume you or whether you will grieve well. 

My guest today has made the conscious decision to grieve well. Tiffany Coleman unexpectedly lost her husband due to a pulmonary embolism in April 2022. And just as she was trying to navigate the emotions of being a single mother and widow, she lost her own mother five months later in September 2022. Tiffany has a Master’s in Counseling, but no degree could prepare her for the gut-wrenching grief she would experience by these unexpected back-to-back deaths.

Yet, Tiffany knew early on she would have to make an intentional decision not to stop living life. She could either lay down and die emotionally and spiritually with her husband or she could pick herself up, fight with everything inside of her, cling to the Lord, and press through this season. Tiffany believes how you grieve is how you heal and she is allowing God to use her family’s hard season to create a platform that will bring glory to Him. Join Tiffany Coleman and I as we discuss what it looks like to navigate a season of grief well by:

  • Giving space for your grief
  • Holding space for joy
  • Choosing to rebuild and move forward
  • Inviting God along for the journey

Tiffany is being intentional about the conversations she has, what she shares, and also proactively sharing her grief journey. Grief can compound unnecessarily when it is ignored. Her heart is to show others there is another way. They can choose joy. They can live free. They can choose to move forward in their life knowing they have honored the memory of what they lost well. She desires for others to see how she and her children have walked through hell and how the Lord has sustained them, allowing his favor to exist over them, and how he is making beauty from the ashes.

So, dear friend, what about you?

How are you navigating the seasons of grief in your own life?

I know grief is hard and I know you wish that grieving wasn’t a part of life. I feel the same way many times over. However, grieving well is an opportunity to learn to lean on God in a way you never would if life was always easy.

God is close to the brokenhearted. 

And I’m a living witness that, despite sad seasons, the Savior is greater still.


Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Give space for your grief
  • Hold space for joy
  • Choose to rebuild and move forward
  • Invite God along for the journey

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Resources Mentioned: 


Other Stuff to Check Out

Let’s Talk!

  1. In what ways are you feeling stuck in a season of grief?
  2. Are there any areas of hurt or pain you need to surrender to Jesus?
  3. What’s one thing you can do today to help someone around you who may be walking through a period of grief?

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