Today is our last #KingdomWoman Wednesday but I am having to work really hard to track down my Dad for that video!  I will do a final post but it looks like it will be finished later this afternoon.

In the meantime… here’s a fun post about motherhood until I can put my Kingdom Woman hat back on again!
midnightclockRecently my four year old woke me up because there was an alligator in his bed.  You know I tried to convince him there was no such thing.  I walked him back to his room and turned on the light. Led him to his lower bunk bed and, with a wave of my hand, illustrated that there was absolutely nothing for him to be afraid of.

It didn’t work.

So, I did what any good mommy would do and offered to join him in his bed with the intention of staying there until he fell asleep. Three or four times he seemed to have drifted off.  Three or four times, I tried to gently scoot myself out of the bed.

Three or four times, he immediately tightened his little hands around my arms and wouldn’t let me go.


After the third or fourth time, the four year old ended up back in my bed with me…

You can find the rest of this post over at