Do you ever wonder what God can do with the random seasons of your life? Sometimes life goes exactly where we plan for it go and pans out how we envisioned things would happen.

Most times? The opposite happens.

Our plans fail.

The unexpected comes.

Surprises, good or bad, interrupt our intentions for moving forward.

But what I’ve learned is that God can use any and everything that happens in your life – planned or unplanned. He has a way of weaving together seemingly disconnected circumstances and experiences in a way that turns out beautifully for our good and for His glory.

If you are experiencing a season of life that you wonder if God can use, my conversation with Kim Cash Tate will convince you that God wastes nothing.

From money-making lawyer to stay-at-home mom to LSU basketball chaplain, Kim Cash Tate walks us through what it means to trust God in ever changing seasons. While Kim’s life journey has often seemed uncertain or mismatched, she has actually learned that God used various paths to lead her to positions and people she did not have in “her plan”.

Kim has always given me such a beautiful example of what it looks like to stay committed to the adventure that God allows. Kim has story after story of how she has seen God be faithful in her life throughout the years. What I love about this woman is her willingness to be honest! She is willing to authentically talk about how difficult some of the choices of obedience have been and the specific situations where she was called to lay down her ways and pivot to God’s call. 

Retrospectively recounting the winding journey of all the different roles, responsibilities, gifts, and tasks that the Lord has entrusted to her, Kim teaches us how we can learn to trust and cling to the Lord, especially when we go through seasons of waiting and feeling hidden. If you are wondering if God can use the unique seasons of your life, you are going to be blessed beyond measure as Kim teaches you how to…

  • Trust the Lord in all seasons 
  • Wait well 
  • Embrace hidden seasons 

What does it mean to cling to the Lord? Kim and I reflect on the importance of studying God’s word, making time for prayer, and prioritizing obedience as God leads. When we prioritize God, He often surprises us by opening up unexpected doors. Choosing to be purposeful in the waiting has allowed Kim to cultivate a humble heart over time.

You can choose to prioritize God, be faithful in your current season, and wait well too. 

You can trust that God can use the seasons of your life in a wonderfully unexpected way. You can believe that investing well while you wait is not to your detriment but for your formation. You can be confident that intimacy with the Lord is worth the waiting.

Regardless of the season of life you are in, hang in there, my friend.

God wastes nothing.

The unexpected is often right around the corner of navigating well the season of life you are in right now.


Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Trust the Lord in all seasons 
  • Wait well 
  • Embrace hidden seasons

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Resources Mentioned: 


Other Stuff to Check Out

Let’s Talk!

  1. After listening to this podcast, what is an area in your life that God is calling you to wait well in? 
  2. What does it look like for you to be present for your current seasons?
  3. How are you still building intimacy and relationship with the Lord?

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!