Devoted. Consistent. Faithful. Humble.

These are the words used to describe Queen Elizabeth II. They are not special or unique, but they are what made her legacy one we admire. 

With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, her life and legacy have become a hot topic. How did she remain so humble? What was her secret for staying real despite her status? Where did she find the time and the energy to run a country, raise her children, be a devoted wife, and still care for herself? It’s almost as if she had a superpower we can only dream about. And while it’s true that living as a Queen in the royal palace has its perks, it’s also true that being a good Queen boils down to being willing to do the work of being a royal. Being royalty is not just about what you do or don’t have; it’s about what you are willing to do with what you do or don’t have.

Are you aware that you are royalty as a daughter of the King? Are you thankful for the perks that identity supplies? But more importantly, are you willing to receive and accept the duty that comes with being a member of the King’s court?

In this episode of Coffee with Chrystal, I discuss the reality of royalty. You may not be part of the royal family in England but make no mistake, you are royal. With that comes the responsibility to look, act and speak differently. But don’t misunderstand. You can be royal and be real. And, you know me… I will always tell you to be real. However, I also want you to live your real life royally and without regret.

I recently read an article in the Washington Post and came across a quote that said, “Being a Queen is a grown woman’s job and not for the faint of heart.” Listen, my friend, you were made to be royal despite what’s real around you. There is someone that needs to see your light shining in the midst of their darkness. There is someone who needs you to share hope and bring calm to their chaos. There is someone that needs your very real story of overcoming to encourage them to a higher standard during their own trials. Royalty is inside of you! However, you must choose to engage with who you are so the beautiful responsibility of sharing the real you rises to the surface.

Whether you want to or not, you are building a legacy. Your legacy is going to be the impact you leave on this earth after you are gone. Royalty is determined by birth, but to create a legacy, you have to own the duty of royalty. It’s time to raise the bar.

Royalty is about how you look at life, not how others look at you. You don’t have to be an extraordinary person to walk in your royal role. In fact, you can be average and still be amazing.

Accept your reality, Queen. Go be the responsible, real, royal person you were made to be!


Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • Being real while walking royal
  • Owning royal responsibility
  • Leaving a royal legacy

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Other Stuff to Check Out

Let’s Talk!

  1. What royal standard do you need to rise to in order to see the legacy you desire come to pass?
  2. Who are you not giving their due honor? What change can you make today to correct that relationship?
  3. Are there any areas where you are not being real in order to protect your royal status (Queendom)?

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